Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Police State Update

MRAP goes to small Iowa town.
More overkill for small town Amerika. 

Federal Agencies Loaded with Tactical Units
This bodes badly for liberty and cannot be justified.  Each fiefdom wants to have an armed component to increase their power and threat they pose to potential targets.  It works for them, but not us.

Police in Utah Don't Play.
This is a reminder that any interaction with the police can be your last or it can be a long ordeal as this story demonstrates.  I am reminded how it is best to avoid calling the police unless absolutely necessary.

Police mum about cell tracking.
They are watching aren't they.  
Here is the thing.  If they won't tell you about it that means they are using the hell out of it and probably using it for developing enough of a case to then create probable cause to actually intercept calls.  You know, get the information first illegally in order to find a legal justification for getting the information.  Ahhhh, the slippery slope on the way to the office of Pre-crime.

Denninger makes a good case for no revolution in response to this type of police state tyranny.
If some of the groups that recommend armed rebellion think that we will end up with a country and not a dictatorship then they should look at the odds of it ending up favorably.  The Atlas Shrugged approach recommended by Denninger has merit in that it is non-violent and it reduces the meal of the parasitic beast known as Big Government.  Go that route first before taking up arms.  I hope to reserve my arms for self defense.

Jogger in Liberal Austin Arrested for not giving her name.
Though she probably votes for the same people that are ramping up the police state it does seem over the top to arrest her for not giving a name prior to the arrest.  One thing against her is that she jogs with headphones on which is stupid in my book.  It will get you run over, mugged, or in this case grabbed by the cops.

Even Nader falls out of love with the President.
The problem is that all of these guys were in before they were out when it comes to supporting far left totalitarian activities.  For one person, our president, to be able to decide that using a drone to kill an American citizen it becomes clear they are reaching the status of unchecked power.

I've seen enough videos of police shooting dogs to know that this is out of control.

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