Sunday, February 23, 2014

Propaganda Replaces News in USA

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Voltaire

Reading news articles originating in the USA or those meant for consumption here will require a constant effort on your part to truly discern the truth from the lie, or as Goebbels would say, "The Big Lie."  He knew that if you were brazen enough and repeated the Big Lie often enough your average minimally engaged intellect will start going along with it.  It is just easier.

The most recent example is the government shutdown and the threat of a debt default.  You could hear the President repeat often and regularly that the problem was a congress that shut down the government like a bunch of thugs or terrorists that demanded what they wanted while holding the government and American people  hostage.

In this example you had an official, the President, unwilling to negotiate with the 535 members of the Congress that is charged with controlling spending.  They are responsible for being responsible and thus should have the heavy hand in managing the financial affairs of the country.  Before it was over many things were said and many stories were reported.  In the balance, most of the stories reported by the news media went along with the propaganda coming from the White House and the U.S. Senate that the only party not dealing honestly was the House of Representatives. Here are some examples of the forgone conclusion reached by the  media while carrying the water for their ostensible leaders in the left wing of politics.

China and Japan want a new currency to avoid the recent problems caused by Congress.
This story doesn't even include the President and his party as one of the problems.  The profligate spending of the progressive/left wing side has a big hand in this along with the arbitrary actions of the executive branch when it comes to enforcing laws.  The AHCA waivers given to supporting groups is a great example.  When you read an article you should think for yourself to see if major facts are omitted to gain sway for one opinion that is being pushed.  This article does so.   It simply reinforces the lies put out there daily by the mainstream media that has become a government mouthpiece.

Racial Crimes

If you pay attention to the mainstream news in the USA you'd think whites were monsters and minority groups were just victims.  Here is an example.

Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser Story Shows Bias  - 3 stories of her murder conviction versus hundreds of stories on her rape accusation. 

TEA Party story
NYT Story about TEA Party classifies them as far right and talks as if establishment Republicans are already right wing and we know that is hardly the case.  Of course far left would never be used to describe almost any Democrats since they also happen to match the political bias of the average times reporter and columnist.  

Reporter is targeted by so called watch dog group after she follows stories not good for the administration.

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