Sunday, January 15, 2017

China RO RO Strategy

What does the RO RO Mean

Owning both ends of the Panama Canal along with bases leased around the world China is replacing the United States as the world's  dominant Sea Power.

While Americans got discounts on poorly made junk their factories and economic power was exported across the globe to Asia.  Elites pocketed billions and Americans got cable, internet, and smart phones to keep themselves occupied as they became renters in the land their fathers conquered.

If and likely when China makes an overt move the ability to roll wheeled vehicles off at various ports will augment their domination of each area.  This will also simplify movement of tactical nuclear devices in places like Panama to within striking range of the USA mainland acting as modern subs that can't be attacked without destroying a once ally,-surrogate Panama.  Hundred's of thousands of men died building the canal under American effort and it took a self loathing fool to give it away with the stroke of a pen.  We call it Carter's folly but the outcome won't be a joke to the dead that result from another deluded leftist throwing in with adversaries in hopes that the world will like us. 

It makes sense that China would eventually dominate many domains simply from economic prowess derived from a billion laborers in the homeland.  Assisted in this was handing over the technology and knowledge needed to run a modern industrial state.  That took the treacherous and treasonous efforts of multiple presidents, congresses, and business leaders.  All in all, we are getting exactly what we asked to get. 

Red Dawn Awaits

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