Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Deep State: Media at War with New President, NoBrain McCain, Trump Sting

NYT  analysis of the debacle - Gray FAKE NEWS
It seems that the writers of these articles cannot help but inject their own commentary sans facts in any article they write about their opponents.  Who is their opponent?  In this case it's Trump and the American People who elected him President.  The writers of the article and the National Press Club seem to conveniently forget how conservative news organizations received few if any opportunities for questions during the Obama years.  From what I read they were seated in the back of the room and if they made noise they'd have their credentials pulled.

Demented - Lame NoBrain McCain Goes Dirty
The look of Strangelove is how one radio guy described McCain.  I have to agree.   He should be playing shuffleboard and getting pats on the head , but instead he is trying to get us into war with Russia.  Now he went for the Jugular and is trying to take down a US President.  He could never find it in himself to go after Obama so his leanings are quite obvious.

Trump Stings Intel Agencies - They Leaked
He's a smart guy.  He ruled out his own people so that leaves the guys that came to his office.  Someone should be facing jail time out of that group.

Deep State Goes to War
It's beyond fake news.   IT IS FAKE NEWS that the Deep State used to attack Trump and enlisted the usual allies at CNN-Fake News Division to get it out there after Buzzfeed put out the list of particulars that sounded too juicy to verify.

The WAR IS ON and Trump wins at the news conference.  Any abuse he heaps on the media is not only well deserved, but it is actually refreshing to see the anointed ones get slapped around.

STATE of the Republic:  Not good, not at all.  We are possibly in a final declining gasp unless our once chance, Mr. Trump, is successful.

As a good prepper you should assume the worst and stay ready for food shortages, power grid failures, and economic collapse.  You know the list. 

Start with food and water.

Make sure your shelter is yours and secure.

Lay aside at least some cash in the event of a bank holliday.

Arm yourself with tools of self defense and train yourself to use them well.


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