Sunday, January 22, 2017

Fake News Update: CNN Job for Fake News Reporter, The Deep State and Fake News

CNN Advertises for Fake News Reporter

Media in shock over Trump and immediately claim he lies.  This is a joke right.  How can they stand around and claim objective truths when most of their reporting is biased and opinion with plenty of made up information sprinkled in.

More attacks on Trump and Trump team vows to fight it.  Read the tone of the article as it states as matter of fact that their idol Obama had bigger crowds.  The whole point is why even try to point that out unless you are trying to delegitimize the incoming administration.  Rigged polls, opinion pieces put out as news, and outright fakery seems to be the order of the day.  Check it out.

Deep State and Fake News

Fake News has been the staple of the networks for decades and until they tried to tag the new media with such a moniker the concept had always been just called opinion or propaganda.  The problem is that the Government Controlled Media pretended to be objective, and anyone knows after paying attention they were far from that.

The point here is that if you depend and rely on the MSM by only watching TV news and reading some of the print media Fake News sources such as the one from NY or most of the other cities in the country.  Almost all are left leaning and totally in the bag for progressive destruction of the country and culture.  To protect yourself from these make them only part of you information intake.

How to punish the Mainstream Media

I never pay them money and will only read them if online and free.  Even then I know I'm giving them some viewer numbers that might help their ad revenue rates but overall I'll put in more time on other alternate sources such as radio and streamed news sites.


The main thing is to get information from all directions to allow you to form opinions based on your decided analysis of what you divine to be the truth.  Your thoughts will probably be more accurate than most of the opinions given on the main news sources on TV.

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