Monday, January 2, 2017

Millennials and Survival Skills and How about GenX

Millennials lack basic survival skills

If survival meant using the latest phone app then millennials as a group would be above the rest of us.  It may yet prove to be so if somehow Skynet becomes a reality.  I suggest the age cutoff is not just 20 somethings but maybe even 40 - 50 somethings.   Most haven't learned survival basics.  If you always lived in urban areas it often doesn't matter how old you age since city living usually means getting your needs at the local store.  You never had to do it yourself.  If you grew up on a farm then likely you know much more than most about basics for survival.  Areas you don't know you can fill in with practice and study.

Many of the simple things like jump starting a  car, siphoning fuel, tying a knot, or growing your own food people born in the last 40 years don't have a clue.  They just get out the cell phone and call for help, but what happens if that help is no longer available.

Sadly, most people wouldn't make it a few days in the woods if it were in cold temperatures and water was scarce.  Many couldn't grow their own food if the food supply started becoming sketchy and hunting is outside of their psychological realm.

Here are 4 suggestions to learn what you need to know for basic survival skills.

1.  Making Temporary Shelters

2.  Finding Water

3.  How to find food in the wild

4.  Starting a fire with no tools

Book to Read

How To Stay Alive in The Woods by By Bradford Angier

Bushcraft 101 by  Dave Canterbury

Items to Purchase and keep in your vehicle


Magnesium fire starter

Butane Lighter

Emergency Survival Blanket - multiples

Water - in bottles and replace regularly  - add a canteen

After you've handled these others then you can find the food you need.

Foil packed Salmon and Tuna
Vienna Sausage
MRE - entrees
Protein and Energy Bars

Extras you can save from visits to fast food outlets
Normal things you'd toss once you used what you needed can be used later.  Fast food items that come in the order are often good to have around.

Salt, pepper, and Ketchup packets
Plastic forks, knives, and spoons 


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