Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pandemic Watch - Bird Flu from China

Doctor Strangelove goes to China in the form of bird flu researchers.

Fear and dismay among scientists as the Chinese are creating hybrid human transmissible bird flu strains.

They're doing this in a veterinary lab and if it gets out which it could we may all be at risk of annihilation.  This kind of foolishness alone is why it pays to have your own self contained and relatively remote survival compound.  Self sufficiency in the event of a highly contagious and deadly global pandemic might allow you to wait out the worst effects until the scourge has run its course.

Chinese researchers create a mutant strain of bird flu in the lab.  It is deadly and transmissible.

Can you spell doom.  This is one of those stories that puts me on edge unlike many others since we know that humans are fallible and it is quite possible that this virus could get free of the controls.  If it happens we will likely know first as tens of millions of innocent Chinese are killed first but it wouldn't take long before it reaches our shores.  Death by the millions is only a plane ride away and with our open borders and easy travel it is likely it would be here within a week.

What can you do to protect yourself.  Find a cave.  If not a cave, I suggest a stand alone home and enough supplies to wait out the deadly results.

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