Sunday, May 19, 2013

When Darkness Falls - IRS Actions Indicate we have arrived

Darkness Has Fallen Across the Fruited Plain

You have seen it across the globe in the past such as in Hungary in 1956 in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union gulags, and in Iraq when Saddam gassed the Kurdish people.

Chinese Communist Brutality
You've witnessed it in China where in  Tienanmen Square protesters were shot down and crushed by tanks and may have felt awe and brotherhood with that courageous soul Tank Man who stood up a man against a tank and a brutal Empire.  His fate was later sealed I suppose since we never truly learned about his end but you saw a man do what was right and what was the only thing left for him to do.

American Citizens and Voting Process Abused at the Hands of a Deceptive Ruling Class

Can any reasonable person argue that the actions of the IRS in crushing TEA Party Organizations along with any other groups that opposed this regime in power now are any different in result than those of the KGB in the Soviet Union, the Stasi in the DDR (East Germany)  or the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.   These menacing, arrogant, and ruthless aggressors accomplished their task of holding onto power for another election so that they may build an unstoppable government machine.  The IRS is a tool and a very powerful and dangerous one at that.  It appears on the surface to simply represent a threat to your financial existence if you by chance come under their eye.  The other truth is that behind them are the guns of government that will take you by force if you are deemed a threat.  Try not paying your taxes as a protestor and see what the outcome will be.  You can expect at first to face trial and if convicted you will be forced by men with guns to attend a gulag called prison where rape, murder, and physical abuse equal torture and far exceed water-boarding.  This fate or the threat of it constitute an implied violence against you and yours if you do not submit not only to their demands for taxes but now we must comply with their view of how we should think, worship, and vote.  You know despotism when you see it and now you know it has come to the once land of the Free.

IRS Compared to Totalitarian Regimes

IRS Asks Group About the Content of their Prayers

Conservative Groups Stalled While Obama Foundation Breezes Through Approval

Lies Are Perpetuated by these Deceitful Power Hungry Politicians

We know the left still believes the man in charge but how can any reasonably intelligent person believe the words coming forth about this case from the President and his advisers when most anyone that has followed the news in the recent two years has heard of IRS assaults on conservative groups.  This was a planned and orchestrated operation coming directly from the leadership of the government and in particular those people in the executive branch.

They knew, they lied, and they are lying now. They knew in June 2012 before the election.
Lies to the contrary, how could they not know.  It benefited them and was clearly part of an overall election strategy to starve the opposition of funding for operations which they did quite effectively.  They did a great job except for one thing, they trashed the constitution in the process and have left many of us feeling something quite different from anger.  It is akin to the sense of disbelief and later disgust at your foolishness for believing any con artist that has cheated you out of something vital.  We note the stench of lies coming from the thieves of our freedom.  In this case these honor deprived haters took that thing we all felt was ours never to be stolen and that was our voice and sense of freedom to express our views without fear of retribution. This was a stolen election as a result of the intimidation and then later hiding of the fact.  The IRS specifically did not disclose this information before the election. 

Repression USA

Repression in the form of voter intimidation most likely explains why the Tea Party didn't pull off a 2012 win against the administration and allies.    If nothing comes of this in the form of firings, jail time, and impeachment then you can rest assured they got away with it.  As it stands, they did get away with it since they do hold the power in Washington in both the Executive branch and the Senate.  Had knowledge of this atrocity against freedom been made public prior to the election it is very likely the outcome would have been different.

I would like to see the Chinese Communists have some fun with this by challenging our so called free and open election process as no better and in fact worse than their system.  At least they pretend a lot less to be free and open.  Our system is now a farce.

May it be When Darkness Falls, Your Heart Will Be True - Enya
The words of this song come to mind when thinking about how we have maybe reached that critical stage here in the USA where all does appear lost after finding out that the IRS has crushed the TEA (taxed enough already) Party movement and any other opposition.


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